Jeffrey Parker Net Worth

There are no confirmed sources about Jeffrey Parker net worth, but it is estimated at around $851 thousand. This is a lot of money because he owns more than 10,000 units of Parker Vision stock, which is worth $330,679. In addition, he also made $499,000 as the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the company’s Board. Although there is no reliable source of information regarding his net value, he has earned several awards including Grammy and Juno awards.

Jeffrey Parker Net Worth
Jeffrey Parker Net Worth

Jeffrey Parker Net Worth Growth

Net Worth in 2022 $1 Million
Net Worth in 2021$0.8 Million
Net Worth in 2020$0.6 Million
Net Worth in 2019$0.5 Million
Net Worth in 2018$0.4 Million
Net Worth in 2017$0.4 Million
Jeffrey Parker Net Worth 

It is estimated that Jeffrey Parker had a net worth of $795 thousand as of January 2022. During his time with ParkerVision, he earned an estimated $499,000 per year. In addition to his salary, he also had over 10,000 units of PRKR stock worth $274,986. And as the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of ParkerVision, he earned a total compensation of $529,000.

Before committing suicide, Jeffrey Parker earned an annual salary of $366,575 as the CEO of the MARTA Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. His salary would have increased by more than two million dollars per year in the future, and he had signed a new contract with the company in 2020 that would have expired in 2026. Although Parker’s salary and wealth are still unknown, his receiving such a generous compensation makes his net worth even more impressive.

Full NameJeffrey Parker
Birth DateN/A
Birth PlaceUnited States
ProfessionBusiness Executive
Relationship StatusUnknown
Net Worth$1 million
DeathJanuary 14, 2021

Despite his tragic passing, it is essential to note that Jeffrey Parker Net Worth is estimated at $1 million. He received $366,575 per year as the CEO of MARTA. In 2020, he had another contract with the company and would have received an increase of more than $300k a year. However, this contract would have expired in 2026. This is how much he earned in his career. When it comes to his salary, he has made a decent amount of money.

As of 2022, Jeffrey Parker Net Worth is estimated to be $851 million. The amount was estimated to be $851,000 as of 11 January 2022. He has over 10,000 units of ParkVision stock worth $330,679. As chairman of the board, he earns $499,000 a year. In addition to his professional career, he has been the MARTA Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority CEO. This role has made him a highly sought-after person, as he has been awarded 31 US patents.

During his career, Jeffrey Parker earned more than $1 million. He was the CEO of MARTA, General Manager of MARTA and a Vice President of HNTB. He served as the Commissioner of the Connecticut Transportation Department and committed suicide in 2022. While working at MARTA, he made his net worth about $337k per year. However, his salary has increased since he became the CEO of MARTA in 2000.

In addition to his business career, Jeffrey Parker has also worked in various fields. As a Vice President at HNTB, he was also the MARTA Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority CEO. Since his death, he has earned over $1 million. Several other factors have contributed to his high net worth. After retiring from these jobs, Parker’s salary has been increased. He also held several senior positions, including CEO of HNTB and a Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Transportation.

After retiring as a Commissioner of the Connecticut Transportation Department, Jeffrey Parker earned a net worth of $1 million. This is a substantial sum for someone with his background. As a result of his accomplishments, he is highly respected in the transportation industry. He had an impressive resume as a Vice President of HNTB and a chief operating officer at the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. He was widely regarded, but his net worth was unknown.

After retiring from his position as CEO of the MARTA, Jeffrey Parker has continued to grow his net worth by serving as General Manager and CEO. According to the wiki, his salary at the MARTA is approximately $337k annually, and he has plans to increase his income. In recent years, he has been an active member of the community and has many fans. Aside from his net worth, Jeffrey has been a highly influential person in the transportation industry.

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